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Hubitat Elevation™ is a Z-Wave Plus central static controller which may be included in any Z-Wave network to operate Z-Wave certified devices from other manufacturers in your home. Regardless of vendor, all AC mains powered nodes within the network will act as repeaters to increase reliability of the network.
<big>'''We're moving!''' Please visit http://docs2.hubitat.com for the latest documentation.</big>
A Z-Wave repeating device is any non-battery-operated Z-Wave device within the network. Battery powered Z-Wave devices do not repeat signals. They are referred to as end devices, whereas Z-Wave repeating devices are referred to as routers. When a security-enabled Z-Wave device is added to the Hubitat Elevation™ network, its communication will utilize 128-bit AES secure encryption.
This document is available at: http://docs2.hubitat.com/en/compliance-docs/zwave-manual
===About Z-Wave technology===
The Z-Wave protocol is a low powered wireless interoperable RF communications technology designed specifically for control, monitoring and status of residential and light commercial Internet of Things devices. It supports full mesh networking and may be used with or without a coordinator node (Hub). Z-Wave operates in the sub-1GHz band and is impervious to interference from Wi-Fi and other wireless technologies in the 2.4 GHz range such as Bluetooth® and ZigBee. For a more information about Z-Wave technology, please visit [https://www.z-wave.com/ www.z-wave.com]
===Remove a Z-Wave device from the network===
Prior to adding devices to the Z-Wave network of your hub, it is required that you first '''Exclude''' the device from any previous networks is has joined. This may be accomplished by performing a Z-Wave Exclude to remove the device from the Z-Wave network of the controller it formerly joined. However, it is not required that you perform this step using the previous controller. If the previous controller is unavailable or it is not convenient to perform Z-Wave Exclusion using the former controller, a '''General Exclusion''' may be performed from the Hubitat Elevation™ hub.
====Z-Wave General Exclusion - Remove devices from a previous hub connection====
1. Choose the '''Z-Wave Details''' button from your Hubitat Web Interface home page or from the kabob menu at the top right.
2. Select the Z'''-Wave Exclude''' button.
3. Hubitat Elevation™ will enter '''Z-Wave Exclude''' mode for 30 seconds. A green banner at the top of the page will indicate that exclusion mode has been initiated.
4. Place your device into Z-Wave Exclusion mode. This is typically the same procedure used to place your device into Z-Wave Inclusion mode in order to join the Z-Wave network. Refer to the [[Join and Reset Instructions|Hubitat Elevation™ Join and Reset Instructions]] page, or your original device manufacturer instructions for further detail.
5. Upon successful exclusion, the Hubitat Elevation™ hub will display the message "Unknown Z-Wave device successfully excluded".
====Z-Wave Exclusion - Remove devices from your Hubitat Elevation™ hub====
1. Choose the **Discover Devices** button on your Hubitat Web Interface home page, or from the kabob menu at the top right.
2. Select the **Z-Wave** button.
3. Press the **Start Z-Wave Exclusion** button.
4. The Hubitat Elevation™ hub will enter **Z-Wave Exclude** mode for 30 seconds. A green banner at the top of the page will indicate that exclusion mode has been initiated.
4. Place your device into Z-Wave Exclusion mode. This is typically the same procedure used to place your device into Z-Wave Inclusion mode in order to join the Z-Wave network. Refer to the [[Join and Reset Instructions|Hubitat Elevation™ Join and Reset Instructions]] page, or your original device manufacturer instructions for further detail.
5. Upon successful exclusion, the Hubitat Elevation™ hub will display the message "Z-Wave device Device excluded and removed".
===Add a Z-Wave device to the network===
====Z-Wave Inclusion - Add devices to your Hubitat Elevation™ hub====
1. Choose the '''Discover Devices''' button on your Hubitat Web Interface home page, or from the kabob menu at the top right.
2. Select the '''Z-Wave''' button.
3. Press the '''Start Z-Wave Inclusion''' button.
4. Place your device into Z-Wave Exclusion mode. This is typically the same procedure used to place your device into Z-Wave Inclusion mode in order to join the Z-Wave network. Refer to the [[Join and Reset Instructions|Hubitat Elevation™ Join and Reset Instructions]] page, or your original device manufacturer instructions for further detail.
5. Upon successful device inclusion, the Hubitat Web Interface will display the '''nodeId''', '''Manufacturer''', '''Product Name''', '''Model Number''' and '''deviceTypeid'''. Selecting the '''more...''' link below '''deviceTypeId''' in the Hubitat Web Interface will display the available '''inClusters''' and '''outClusters'''.
====Z-Wave SmartStart - Add Z-Wave Plus SmartStart compatible devices to the hub====
SmartStart compatible Z-Wave products, regardless of brand or type, can easily be added to the hub, by simply scanning a QR code on the SmartStart compatible device. The devices will be automatically included in the Z-Wave Plus network and the connection secure encrypted with Z-Wave S2 security framework.
1. Using the Hubitat Elevation™ mobile app, navigate to '''Settings''' and press the '''Z-Wave Options''' button.
2. Tap the '''SmartStart''' button and then the '''+''' icon. If this is the first time you have used the Hubitat Elevation™ app on your mobile device, you will be prompted to allow access to the device camera.
3. Scan the device QR code.
4. Pull the battery tab, or remove and replace the device battery to initiate automatic joining to the Hubitat Elevation™ hub.
=== Copy Z-Wave network information ===
==== Z-Wave Replication - Copy network information from the Hubitat Elevation™ hub to a secondary Z-Wave controller ====
1. Choose the '''Discover Devices''' button on your Hubitat Web Interface home page, or from the kabob menu at the top right.
3. Select the '''Z-Wave''' button.
4. Press the '''Start Z-Wave Inclusion''' button.
5. Enable '''Learn Mode''' on the hub that will be the Z-Wave secondary controller.
6. When successfully added, network information from the Hubitat Elevation™ hub will be replicated on the secondary controller.
7. The Hubitat Web Interface will display the '''nodeId''', '''Manufacturer''', '''Product Name''', '''Model Number''' and '''deviceTypeid'''. Selecting the '''more...''' link below '''deviceTypeId''' in the Hubitat Web Interface will display the available '''inClusters''' and '''outClusters'''.
=== Repair Z-Wave ===
==== Z-Wave Repair - Rebuilding the Z-Wave Routing Tables ====
Each Z-Wave device builds a neighbor table to keep track of which router devices are its closest neighbors. When you initiate the '''Repair Z-Wave''' function, you are instructing each Z-Wave device on the network to re-establish which routing devices are its closest neighbors, and therefor the most efficient route back to the hub. This also tells each device to forget about router devices that no longer exist on the Z-Wave network, or are now out of range and no longer able to be used for routing.
=== Z-Wave Learn Mode ===
==== Z-Wave Plus S2 Learn Mode - Receive network information from another Z-Wave Plus S2 compatible controller ====
1. Start by enabling '''Z-Wave Inclusion''' to add devices to the network of the Z-Wave Plus S2 primary controller.
2. Using the Hubitat Elevation™ mobile app, navigate to '''Settings''' and press the '''Z-Wave Options''' button.
3. Tap the '''Learn Mode''' button
4. Leave all security modes enabled on the primary Z-Wave Plus S2 controller.
5. The primary controller will prompt the user for the first segment of the '''DSK''' (Device Specific Key) from the Hubitat Elevation™ mobile app.
6. Enter the first 6 digit segment shown in the mobile app into the primary controllers user interface when prompted.
7. When successfully added, network information from the primary controller will be replicated on the Hubitat Elevation™ hub.
==== Z-Wave Learn Mode (for non-S2 capable Z-Wave radios) - Receive network information from another Z-Wave controller which does not support secure encryption ====
1. Start by enabling '''Z-Wave Inclusion''' to add devices to the network of the Z-Wave primary controller.
2. Using the Hubitat Elevation™ mobile app, navigate to the '''Settings''' and press the '''Z-Wave Options''' button.
3. Tap the '''Learn Mode''' button
4. The primary controller should indicate a device has joined its Z-Wave network.
5. When successfully added, network information from the primary controller will be replicated on the Hubitat Elevation™ hub.
=== Replace a failed Z-Wave node ===
==== Z-Wave Capability Rediscovery  - Replacing a failed node on the network ====
If a device becomes unresponsive or is no longer available, the Hubitat Elevation™ hub has advanced user functions to Replace, or Remove the failed node.
1. Choose the Z-Wave Details button from your Hubitat Web Interface home page or from the kabob menu at the top right.
2. If the device is marked '''FAILED''' in the Device ID column of the Z-Wave Radio Details page, a '''Replace''' button will be available. Selecting this button will initiate '''Inclusion Mode''' so the user may add a new device or the previously joined device. It will be joined to the Hubitat Elevation™ hub with the same '''nodeId''' as the failed device.
=== Remove a failed Z-Wave node ===
==== Remove Failed Node  - Removing a failed node on the network ====
Any node the Hubitat Elevation™ hub cannot reach using routing and explorer frames is considered to be failed or non-responsive. Sleeping nodes types such as motion and contact sensors can be considered as failing after missing more than 2 consecutive Wake Up periods. Users may choose to remove the failed node.
1. Choose the '''Z-Wave Details''' button from your Hubitat Web Interface home page or from the kabob menu at the top right.
2. Pressing the '''Remove''' button where available will remove a node marked '''FAILED''' from the Hubitat Elevation™ Z-Wave network. Only nodes that have failed will display the '''Remove''' button.
3. A node that has an entry in the hub database, but is non-responsive may be '''Force Removed''' from the Hubitat Web Interface '''Device details''' page. However, if a device is '''Force Removed,''' it will leave a node entry in the Hubitat Elevation™ Z-Wave Radio Devices list. Automatic daily maintenance will remove entries that have no association in the hub database. The user may choose to manually remove the "ghost" entry by following '''steps 1-2''' above.
=== '''Repair a failed Z-Wave node''' ===
'''Discover a Failed Node  - Adding a failed node to the hub database'''
If a node has failed or was powered off, and the user '''Force Removed''' it from the Hubitat Web Interface '''Device details''' page, it can be useful to '''Discover''' the device again and add it back into the hub database. The '''Discover''' button will not appear in the Hubitat Web Interface unless the node is marked '''FAILED''' and no entry exists in the hub database.
1. Choose the '''Z-Wave Details''' button from your Hubitat Web Interface home page or from the kabob menu at the top right.
2. Pressing the '''Discover''' button where available on a node that is marked '''FAILED''' will place the hub into '''Inclusion Mode''', interrogate the device, assign it a driver, and add the node into the Hubitat Elevation™ database, where it will again appear in the '''Devices''' list.
=== Z-Wave Region Selection ===
==== Z-Wave Region - Select the applicable region for your country and licensed Z-Wave device type ====
Selecting the Z-Wave Region drop-down menu will allow the user to specify which licensed Z-Wave frequency applicable for their country should be used by the hub for Z-Wave radio communication. Only devices licensed to operate in your country should be used. It is not possible for the hub to operate on more than one Z-Wave frequency at a time.
1. Choose the '''Z-Wave Details''' button from your Hubitat Web Interface home page or from the kabob menu at the top right.
2. From the '''Z-Wave Region''' drop-down menu, select your country and press the '''Update''' button.
3. Select '''Settings''' in the Hubitat Web Interface sidebar to the left, and select '''Shutdown Hub.''' It is not adequate to reboot the hub, since the Z-Wave radio is not powered down during a reboot. You must shutdown for Z-Wave Region changes to take effect.
4. Wait '''30 seconds''', then power cycle the Hubitat Elevation™ hub to begin booting.
=== Z-Wave Radio Power ===
==== Z-Wave Status - Select Enable or Disable to control the output of the Z-Wave radio ====
The Z-Wave radio may be Enabled or Disabled by selecting the desired state from the drop-down menu. This may be useful if you have a Z-Wave device that has become unresponsive, but does not have a '''FAILED''' status. You can set the Z-Wave status to '''Disabled''', press the '''Update''' button, and then '''Enabled''' and press the '''Update''' button, rather than shutting the hub down to power off the Z-Wave radio.
1. Choose the '''Z-Wave Details''' button from your Hubitat Web Interface home page or from the kabob menu at the top right.
2. From the '''Z-Wave Status''' drop-down menu, select your desired status and press the '''Update''' button.
=== Factory Reset ===
==== Z-Wave Factory Default Reset  - Restoring the Z-Wave radio to factory default settings ====
1. Choose the '''Discover Devices''' link in your Hubitat Web Interface home page, or from the kabob menu at the top right.
2. Select the '''Z-Wave''' button.
3. Type the word "reset" into the box just above the red '''Reset''' button and then press the '''Reset''' button.
'''Warning!''' Resetting the Z-Wave radio to factory default values will remove all devices from the list of '''Z-Wave Radio Devices.'''
* The hub Devices list, automation apps and all Hubitat Elevation™ Rule Machine® rules that included Z-Wave devices will have to be repaired or rebuilt.
* All Z-Wave devices will have to be excluded and re-added to the hub.
'''Hubitat Elevation™ hub Full Reset  - Completely restoring the hub factory default'''
1. Navigate to '''http://[Your hub IP address]:8081''' (''i.e. <nowiki></nowiki>)''
2. Select the '''Full Reset''' button.
3. Type the words "full reset" into the box just above the '''Full Reset''' button and then press the '''Full Reset''' button.
4. After the reset, the hub will automatically shutdown.
'''Warning!''' Resetting the Hubitat Elevation™ hub to factory default values will reset both Zigbee and Z-Wave radios to factory default values and will delete all devices, apps and user code from the hub.
* A database backup may be restored, but it will not remove the requirement to reset, exclude and re-pair all devices.
* All automation apps and all Hubitat Elevation™ Rule Machine® rules that included Zigbee and Z-Wave devices will have to be repaired or rebuilt.
* The hub cloud connection will no longer be valid and will require the user register the hub again.

Latest revision as of 20:30, 25 September 2022

We're moving! Please visit http://docs2.hubitat.com for the latest documentation.

This document is available at: http://docs2.hubitat.com/en/compliance-docs/zwave-manual