Release Notes 2.0.8
Hubitat Elevation Platform update 2.0.8 is now available:
Please note, the process takes about a minute to download (depending on your Internet connection) and extract the hub update, and 1-2 minutes to perform the update after you click 'Update Hub'. We recommend that you periodically download a backup of your setup from the Settings page, Backup and Restore.
Changes from 2.0.7:
Platform Additions / Changes
- Iris V1 (alertMe) device support
- Updated device discovery page
- App Status page hides values that are not set / null
- New Main Menu Mobile Version
Drivers and Devices
- New drivers:
- Iris V1 Button
- Iris V1 Contact Sensor
- Iris V1 Key Fob
- Iris V1 Motion Sensor
- Iris V1 Outlet
- HomeSeer Indicator Light Sensor (HS-FS100-L)
- HomeSeer Perimeter Water Sensor (HS-FS100-W)
- New device support:
- Sylvania Smart (contact) Sensor, using Generic Zigbee Contact Sensor
- Sylvania Motion, using Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor
- New driver features:
- Lutron Shade
- add window shade capability
- add travel calibration routine
- add start and stop position change commands
- Lutron Shade
New App Features
- Rule Machine: Added support for valves as conditions or trigger events.
Bug Fixes
- SmartThings presence V2 and V4, increase startup timeout (should help with false presence triggers during reboot)
- Apps UI detects FireFox and doesn’t show safari time picker
- Hubitat Dashboard
- Fixed inability to change icon for presence in template editor
- Fixed template editor tiles of default state not setting in tile
- Fixed mode template custom colors not working
- Fixed safari HSM NAN issue
- Fixed font size of CO2, energy, power, temperature, humidity and illuminance to be more consistent in size and follow font size instead of icon size setting
- Fixed DD/MM display issue in history and HSM pages
- Fixed Yes/No popup render issue on Edge
- Fixed cloud dashboard menu, toggling to local links not loading local dashboard correctly
- Fixed all zero HSM and Mode PIN bug
- HSM and Mode pin are now password fields, still restricted to numbers only
- Font Size for Device name now follows font size for whole dashboard
- Contents of tiles now are clipped to the boundary of that tile
- Motion Lighting: Fixed bug breaking override and mode change options
- HSM: updates for security keypad issues.
- Note: There are known issues when arming Home or Night from HSM or Dashboard when using Home or Night delay settings, these will be resolved in an upcoming hotfix.