Mode Manager v1

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Mode Manger is a simple way to configure your modes. Modes are a valuable tool for setting automations in Rule Machine® and other apps. Modes can be created, renamed and deleted in the Location page in the Web Interface. Once your modes are created, you can configure them here in Mode Manager.

Using Mode Manager, modes can be set based on time (either set around sunset/sunrise or a specific clock time), days of the week, by presence sensors or by a button.


  1. Load/Open the the Mode Manager app in your Hubitat Web Interface.
  2. If you want your modes to be different on different days of the week (for example you want day mode to start later on Saturday mornings so you can nurse your hangover), toggle the Configure with daily settings to on.
  3. Click on Set modes based on time of day. Each mode except Away mode has an area to set its mode.
  4. The first dropdown menu allows to choose between setting the mode at a specific time or the earlier of two times. This option is convenient if, for example, you want to have evening mode start at the earlier of sunset or 7:00.
  5. Next you will set the time(s). You can choose a specific time or sunrise or sunset. Sunrise/sunset times may be offset by entering a +/- number into the field. When you have made your selection, click Done.
  6. If you selected the configure with daily settings option, use the dropdown menu to select the days you want this time setting to apply. When you do, an additional Set Day Mode Based On field will appear. Follow steps 2-5 until you have set all of the times and days you want for this mode.
  7. Follow this same process for any additional modes you want set by time. Leave any modes you don’t want set by time blank.

SET MODES BASED ON DAYS OF THE WEEK If you want a mode to trigger on a specific day of the week (for example you might have a weekend mode that you want to trigger on Saturday and Sunday) you can set that here.


Simply use the dropdown list below the mode you want to set and select the days you desire. Leave any modes you don’t want to set by day blank.


NOTE: If you are also setting modes based on time of day, be sure to configure with the daily settings on and leave any days you want to set by day of the week blank. Otherwise the time settings will override your daily mode settings.

SET MODES BASED ON PRESENCE Before you can set a mode based on presence, you will need to set up and configure a presence sensor in order to set mode based on presence. You can set any mode based on presence, but the most common mode is Away mode. Away mode acts differently than other modes in that it overrides any other mode when you are away from home. However, when you come back home, you want your home to kick into what ever mode it is supposed to be in at that time. This is what Use time settings for Return From Away Mode does. If you do not select this, when you return home your mode will not change until the next mode change.

If you have multiple people in your home, you will probably want each of them to have a presence sensor. That way you can configure Away mode to kick in whenever all of the presence sensors are gone and Return From Away Mode will activate when any one presence sensor returns.

Ok, let’s start.

  1. Click on Set modes based on presence
  2. Select if you want to use time settings for Return From Away (you probably do). A box will appear for you to select which presence sensors you would like to trigger Return From Away Mode.
  3. Select which presence sensors want to use to trigger the mode.
  4. Select the minimum number of sensors you want to trigger the mode (for example, Away mode you would want triggered only when all sensors are gone).
  5. Select if you want the mode triggered when the sensors leave or arrive.
  6. You have the option to restrict the mode change between two times by clicking the only between two times toggle. Use the dropdown menu to select between using sunrise/sunset or a specific time, enter your times and click Done.
  7. Follow these same steps for any other modes you want set by presence sensors. Leave any other modes blank. When your modes are set, click Done.


Button device are a popular way to set modes that may not fall on a regular schedule, especially a night. Many people set a button by their bed that they can press when they are ready to sleep to kick the house into night mode.

  1. Click on Set modes with button devices.
  2. Each mode you have will be represented by a box. If want to use a button to trigger Return From Away Mode, toggle on Use time settings for Return From Away Mode. A box will appear for you to select which button you would like to trigger Return From Away Mode.
  3. Select which button(s) you would like to use to trigger the mode.
  4. Select the button number.
  5. Select if you want the button held or pushed to trigger the mode.
  6. Follow steps 3-5 for any modes you want set with buttons. Leave any other mode blank. When you are done setting your modes with buttons, click Done.


Modes can also be set with switches. Detailed documentaion to come.