HubMultiAction Object
Create a HubMultiAction object.
HubMultiAction() HubMultiAction(List<String> cmds) HubMultiAction(List<String> cmds, Protocol protocol) HubMultiAction(List<String> cmds, Protocol protocol, String deviceNetworkId)
Add an additional command to a HubMultiAction object.
void add(String cmd) void add(HubAction hubAction) void add(List hubActions) void add(HubMultiAction hubMultiAction)
- cmd - a String command to add to the list of commands in this HubMultiAction
- hubAction - a HubAction to add to the list of commands in this HubMultiAction
- hubActions - a List of HubActions to add to the list of commands in this HubMultiAction
- hubMultiAction - a HubMultiAction whose commands will be added to add to the list of commands in this HubMultiAction