Driver Object
Hubitat Provided Methods
- Use this method to send a HubAction immediately.
- Signature
void sendHubCommand(HubAction hubAction)
- Parameters
- hubAction - The HubAction object to send.
- Returns
- none
- Creates a new child device and returns that device from the method call.
- Signature
ChildDeviceWrapper addChildDevice(String namespace, String typeName, String deviceNetworkId, Map properties = [:])
ChildDeviceWrapper addChildDevice(String typeName, String deviceNetworkId, Map properties = [:])
- Parameters
- namespace - The namespace of the child driver to add as a child device (optional, if not specified it will default the the namespace of the parent)
- typeName - The name of the child driver to add as a child device
- deviceNetworkId - unique identifier for this device
- properties - optional parameters for this child device. Possible values listed below
- Properties
- boolean isComponent - true or false, if true, device will still show up in device list but will not be able to be deleted or edited in the UI. If false, device can be modified/deleted on the UI.
- String name - name of child device, if not specified, driver name is used.
- String label - label of child device, if not specified it is left blank.
- Returns
- ChildDeviceWrapper
- Gets a list of all child devices for this device.
- Signature
List<ChildDeviceWrapper> getChildDevices()
- Parameters
- None
- Returns
- List<ChildDeviceWrapper>
- Gets a specific child device with the device network id specified.
- Signature
ChildDeviceWrapper getChildDevice(String deviceNetworkId)
- Parameters
- deviceNetworkId - The unique identifier for the device
- Returns
- ChildDeviceWrapper
- Deletes a specific child device with the device network id sepcified.
- Signature
void deleteChildDevice(String deviceNetworkId)
- Parameters
- deviceNetworkId - The unique identifier for the device
- Returns
- None
- Returns the parent Device (ParentDeviceWrapper) or App (InstalledAppWrapper) when called from a child device.
- Signature
Object getParent()
Returns: The ParentDeviceWrapper or InstalledAppWrapper
- Get a data value that was set for this device.
- Signature
String getDataValue(String name)
- Parameters
- name - The String value of the data item.
- Returns
- String - The value of the data.
- Update or create a data value for this device.
- Signature
void updateDataValue(String name, String value)
- Parameters
- name - The name of the data item to store.
- value - The value of the data item to store.
- Returns
- None.
- Remove a data value from a device.
- Signature
void removeDataValue(String name)
(Since 2.2.1)
- Parameters
- name - The name of the data item to remove.
- Returns
- None.
User defined methods
- This method is called when the device is first created.
- Signature
void installed()
- This method is called when the preferences of a device are updated.
- Signature
void updated()
Additional to be documented
Map getState() Zwave getZwave() Zigbee getZigbee() String getDeviceDataByName(String name) HubAction response(String cmd) HubAction response(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) HubMultiAction response(List cmds) Short getZwaveHubNodeId() void sendEvent(Map properties) List<Event> eventsSince(Date startDate, Map options = null) void telnetConnect(Map options, String ip, int port, String username, String password) void telnetConnect(String ip, int port, String username, String password) void telnetClose() Map createEvent(Map options) List<String> delayBetween(List<String> cmds, Long delay) List<String> delayBetween(List<String> cmds)