Driver Object
This method is called when the device is first created.
void installed()
This method is called when the preferences of a device are updated.
void updated()
Additional to be documented
Map getState() Zwave getZwave() Zigbee getZigbee() Object getParent() void updateDataValue(String name, String value) String getDataValue(String name) String getDeviceDataByName(String name) HubAction response(String cmd) HubAction response(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) HubMultiAction response(List cmds) Short getZwaveHubNodeId() void sendEvent(Map properties) List<Event> eventsSince(Date startDate, Map options = null) void telnetConnect(Map options, String ip, int port, String username, String password) void telnetConnect(String ip, int port, String username, String password) void telnetClose() Map createEvent(Map options) List<String> delayBetween(List<String> cmds, Long delay) List<String> delayBetween(List<String> cmds) ChildDeviceWrapper addChildDevice(String typeName, String deviceNetworkId, Map properties = [:]) ChildDeviceWrapper addChildDevice(String namespace, String typeName, String deviceNetworkId, Map properties = [:]) List<ChildDeviceWrapper> getChildDevices() ChildDeviceWrapper getChildDevice(String deviceNetworkId) void deleteChildDevice(String deviceNetworkId)