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Mirror (App)

The Mirror app is a simple app designed to send commands to one or more "replica" (secondary) devices based on events from a "primary" device.

NOTE: The "mirroring" is one-way, from the primary device to the replica device(s). Only changes registered on the primary device will cause commands to be sent to the replica devices. Changing the replica devices will not cause any changes elsewhere (nor will running commands on the primary device that do not actually cause state changes or that do not correspond to one of the events listed as "forwarded" in the interface after all the devices are selected).

Mirror Me (Device Mirror)

Select Create New Device Mirror... to create an instance of Mirror (these child apps will be called "Mirror Me") to make one or more switches, bulbs, dimmers, etc. follow another. This type of mirror is intended to send switch, level, and color/color temperature commands based on events from one "primary" device to one or more "replica" device(s). It was specifically designed for use with controllers that have color wheels or slider-type surfaces, as some remote and hardwired control devices do, though it can be used for any case where you want one or more devices to "follow" the reported state of another.

Screenshot of configured Mirror Me child app

Lock Mirror

Select Create New Lock Mirror... to create an instance of Mirror (these child apps will be called "Lock Mirror") to make one or more locks follow one or more other locks. This type of mirror is intended to send "Lock" or "Unlock" commands to the replica lock(s) based on events generated from the source lock(s) — e.g., when a source lock is unlocked and reports that event to the hub, an "Unlock" command will be sent to the replica locks, and similar with the "Lock" command.

Available options

  • Enable lock/unlock optimization: if enabled, will not send "Unlock" command to any replica locks whose state on the hub is already reported as unlocked; similar for "Lock" command if the state is already reported as locked.
  • Only mirror lock commands?: if enabled, only "Lock" commands will be sent to the replica lock(s). No commands will be sent to the replica locks when a source lock is unlocked, only when a source lock becomes locked.
  • Command response wait time: number of seconds to wait before retrying a command if a "Lock" or "Unlock" command is sent to a replica lock and the replica lock does not report back a state suggesting that the command succeeded (this is the value of the lock attribute you can see under "Current States" on the device detail page).
  • Maximum command retries: number of times to re-attempt sending "Lock" or "Unlock" commands to replica devices if their state does not update as expected (see above)
  • Notify when all lock commands succeed?: allows you to specify a notification and/or speech (TTS) device to send notification or speech to when all replica locks successfully report the expected changes in response to an event from the source lock.
  • Notify when any lock commands fails?: allows you to specify a notification and/or speech (TTS) device to send notification or speech to when any replica locks does not report the expected changes in response to an event from the source lock (after the specified maximum number of retries have happened; see above).
  • Enable debug logging?: writes entries to Logs any time the app sends commands to replica devices; may be helpful if troubleshooting.
Screenshot of configured Lock Mirror app