How to Install Custom Apps

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The Hubitat community has developed some great apps to help you automate your devices in new, cool ways. Once you have the code, you can install them here:

  1. The developer of the app will normally post a link to their app code. Follow their directions to get to the source code. Select and copy it.
  2. From the home page of your hub, select Apps Code in the side bar.
  3. Select the +New App button in the upper right corner of the Apps Code page.
    Screenshot: "Apps Code" screen
  4. In the blank text field, paste the code. Alternatively, you can select the Import button and past a URL to the developers code in raw text format.
    Screenshot of "Import Code..." window
  5. Select the Save button in the top right. When the "modified" goes away, your app is saved.
    Screenshot of "modified" text in page header (indicating changes) and "Save" button (to save them)

You may experience an error in this step. If you do, your app will not save and it will not work. Please contact the developer of the app in the Hubitat Community forum. It is usually best if you take a screen shot of the error to help them diagnose the problem. Once the code is fixed, come back and try again.

Enabling OAuth

Not all user apps will require OAuth (Open Authorization). Consult the app developers documentation for instruction.

  1. After saving your user app code, select the Enable OAuth button and then Update to automatically generate the keys.
    Screenshot of "Enable OAuth in App" button on OAuth page in app code
    • If your client secret key becomes compromised, you may refresh it to protect the OAUTH2 endpoint security.
      Screenshot of "Update" button in OAuth window
  2. To refresh the client secret, open your user app code, select OAuth and check to box for Refresh Client Secret, the select Update
    Screenshot of "Refresh client secret" checkbox in OAuth page

Loading Your User Developed App

Once your app has successfully saved, you will need to load it to your Web Interface before you can use it:

  1. From the sidebar of your hub, select Apps.
  2. Select the +Add User App button.
    Screenshot of "Add User App" button on Apps page
  3. Find your User App in the list and select it to instantly add it.
    Screenshot of user app listed in "Add User App" page

That's it! You're all set to create glorious home automations with your new app.

  • Don't forget to thank the developer in the community forum for their hard work.