App Definition

From Hubitat Documentation
Revision as of 00:43, 5 April 2020 by Dman2306 (talk | contribs) (Overview of the definition section of an app)
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The app definition provides the Hubitat Elevation hub with information about an App you wish to install.




author - The author of this app
category - A category description of this app
description - A text description of the app that is displayed in the popup when the 'Add User App button is clicked
documentationLink - A link to the documentation for this app
iconUrl - Not currently used, should be set to an empty string
iconX2Url - Not currently used, should be set to an empty string
iconX3Url - Not currently used, should be set to an empty string
importUrl - The URL where the Groovy code for this app can be found
name - The name of the app
namespace - The namespace within which the Groovy class for the application will be stored
oauth - [true/false] - defines whether this app makes use of OAuth
parent - If this is a child app, specifies the parent app in the format namespace:app name
singleInstance - [true/false] - If set to true, on a single instance of this app can be installed. The default is false
videoLink - A link to a video recording associated with this app


    name: "My First App",
    namespace: "myfirstapp",
    author: "John Smith",
    description: "This is the first Hubitat app I've created",
    category: "General",
    iconUrl: "",
    iconX2Url: "",
    iconX3Url: ""